Lupine Racing FAQ's


  • How remote are the checkpoints?
  • The checkpoints will all be within built up areas. Don't worry, we're not sending anyone off into the forest or up mountains
  • What does the entrance fee cover?
  • The fee covers all the various staging costs of the event. Things such as the design and planning work, prize pots, medals, race pack design and production, checkpoint costs, venues etc. etc.

    For each race we also detail an "Includes" list on the event page summarising what is covered.

    As a note, we do not utilise volunteer labour for our events. All event staff are paid.
  • How many entrants are there?
  • For our 2023 race we capped the event at 100 people but saw a big pile up in demand after the event sold out.

    We increased capacity for the 2024 event to the 200 range which saw 150 entrants hit the startline.

    Moving forward into 2025, we will be targeting a maximum of 140-160 entrants per race. Some events may be smaller due to venue limitations.
  • Is there an age limit?
  • For our 2025 races, we have a lower age limit of 11. All under 18's must be travelling with a parent or guardian.

    We've been blown away over the last couple of years by the number of families entering the event and it's been amazing to hear the stories of their adventures on the finish line.
  • How many checkpoints are there? How long will it take?
  • For 2024 there will be around 6 checkpoints including the known ones in London, Bruges and Tirana. The routes are designed to take 4-6 days with scope for the non-stop fastest finishers to complete the event in 2.5-3 days.
  • What are the rules?
  • We update our rules for each event. At the core of the it, these are land/sea based public transport races. The full current rules for our 2024 race from London to Albania can be seen here.
  • Can I enter as a team?
  • Yes you can, however, you must still pay the entry fee per racer. In effect, teams in our events are a collection of indivduals racing under one informal banner. Each team member must complete the challenge and follow all the rules as an indivudal. A team may benefit from collective research, but a solo traveler may be able to move quicker.

    Teams are allowed to split up if they wish. Each entrants times will be logged individually in our results.

    If for example a team of two crossed the line together, they would be eligable for Joint 1st and would qualify for both the 1st and 2nd place prizes.

    If you're familiar with professional bike racing, the concept is simliar to that.
  • Where does the event start?
  • For our 2025 races, we will be announcing the start location from launch.
  • Should I get an Interrail pass?
  • Many racers feedback they got a lot of benefit out of the pass, typically using up 3-5 days of travel on the pass and then supplementing this with some coaches and other transport.

    If the finish of the race is outside of the Interrail area it may be worth getting a slightly shorter pass rather than if the pass covers the whole race route. But this is up to you.
  • What luggage should I bring?
  • Most racers opt to travel quite light and many benefit from using a backpack over any type of wheely suitcase. Navigating European cities quickly with wheeled luggage can be quite exhausting.
  • What am I likely to spend?
  • For our 2023 Race from London to Istanbul, we found that most people spent around £400-500 on transport, with some going as low as £200 by using mostly coaches and busses. Accommodation cost is up to you. Our most frugal entrants in 2023 opted for overnight transport to save on accommodation.

    In out 2024 race to Albania, entrant feedback was an average spend of £450-525 with the lowest at £270.
  • Is there a maximum budget?
  • No, you can spend what you like, but the person with the lowest transport spend will win a prize; The Savvy Award!
  • How competitive does it get?
  • Very! In our 2023 London-Istanbul race the fastest finishers completed the route in just under 2 days 9 hours. They traveled non-stop, finishing up with a foot race across the city and reaching the end just seconds apart.